Friday, February 18, 2011

Little things....Small stuff

For the last year or so, I have been trying to appreciate the little things and not sweat the small stuff. It has brought me the realization that its the little things in life that matter the most. Little things are what get you through to the next 'big' thing. I think not sweating the small stuff has been the best lesson I've taught myself. i.e. Like hitting a red light on the way to work when I am already a few minutes behind or replaying certain conversations in my head, making sure I didn't say something dumb. What's done is done, I can't change the past, or in this instance, traffic. Those are just a couple of examples... which now that I am writing it, my mind draws a blank of better examples lol.....

That being said, I have been taking the pood's on more walks lately because we had a few days in a row of PERFECT weather!! As we were approaching my condo, I was admiring the beautiful sunset on the mountains, and right where I was looking was in between 2 huge pine tree's and you could see the full moon right in between them in a blue sky. I take for granted the amazing landscape Utah has. The mountains are literally on the other side of my condos. Not to bad of a picture for a smart phone....

Hope everyone has had a great February and I loving blogging again, So.... expect to see more of me! Cheers!

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