Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Widowing it up in the Wendover

Not to much has been going on... so I haven't been blogging much. However, The Crew and I (Christie, Mexican Jessica, Celina, Cellen, Casey, Farrah and I) went up to Wendover for Deer Widows. We had an absolute blast! I got sick when we first got there, from Wendy's. I think I either got a bad piece of chicken or my body isn't used to the grease in fast food. So I threw up a few times...which felt awesome on the old jaw... but after sipping on some water and Sierra Mist, curtsy of Ms. Celina, I felt loads better.
Here are some pictures that I stole from Fare's facebook page. I am just saying, we looked fabulous!
I have been cleaning out the basement the last couple weeks.... ooo lord, what I chore that is. I really did not think that through. Turns out we have A LOT of shit! And also.. a lot of spiders down there. Nice, real nice. I am trying to clear out one side so when we have our annual Halloween party this Saturday, I want people to be able to go down stairs to hang out. I still don't have a costume (boo) but Jeff however is going to be... a ... redneck. Awesome. Any ideas for me????
Well I am going to attempt to go to bed. And by attempt I mean play Monopoly on my phone because this blog is Borrrriiinng.


The Brady Bunch said...

You always look FABULOUS Katch! Sorry you got sick, but I hear you guys had a BLAST with some sexy men!!!

Trey said...

dress up as britney spears.. that would go along with the redneck thing

TheKillerJ said...

You're not down with the redneck?

Holly "QUEEN" said...

You do look AWESOME!!! Glad to be blog stalking again. It has been awhile. How are you?