Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Well Hello Body...

Yeah... He is mine. How the hell did I land that? This is Jeff right before weigh in's in Boise this last weekend. I didn't get a chance yet to brag up my bad-ass of a husband. He got the gold in his Weight and he got the silver in his skill level. He is pretty much amazing at grappling and I was very impressed when I watched him compete. We had a blast up there. Here are some pictures I took of him at the tournament... enjoy.
PS - I am sure the some of you ladies...and maybe guys :)... (I don't judge) will want to use Jeff as your Desktop background because his body is pretty much amazing.... Listen, I don't blame you. He belongs in a calendar.... a strictly Ginger's with awesome bodies calendar.


mamasteph said...

Way to go Jeff! (the scar is hardly noticeable anymore!) I love that he totally makes everyone else look like a wimp in these pictures!

Anonymous said...

You want to hear something funny? As a joke, I was going to print off tons of pics of Jeff and put them in my closet and make a fake shrine devoted to Jeff. I'd invite Jeff over and pretend that I had to do something but invite him to my room, and then let him see my shrine. I wonder what his reaction would've been if I did that.

The Brady Bunch said...

WOW!!! That is impressive-all around! Tell Jeff congrats!!

TheKillerJ said...

Awwe, look at my proud wife bragging me up! I'm blushing over here...

Trey said...

playa pimp

Biggie T said...

Kudos Jeff on your success at the tournament and succeeding at starving yourself. Now go eat some food!

Celina said...

Well Hellllooooo Jeffery!! Thats amazing I wish I could have gone. I was going to talk Mark into going up there if it had not been for the fathers b-day. I wanted to see him compete. Anyway kudos to him (and you) I hope you rubbed oil on his body.

Fare Bear said...

Lmao, you're so cute Katch! Ok, listen, I totally couldn't freaking remember the log in to my blog on here, that's how long it's been since I've been on it... eff!!! I figured it out though...Anywho, we're all proud of Jeff, he rocks socks. Yay for ass kicking!

M {3 said...

Looks like the diet paid off. But I am glad you ate after, deprivation should only go so far. Congrats and I know your cheerleader was proud, loud and beautiful!