Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Done and Done

****GOOD NEWS****
I didn't die in surgery... I do have this pressure wrap around my head and if you could see the back part of it, It looks like I have a damn jock strap on my head! HAHA It feels SO good to be done... thanks for all the phone calls and texts the past couple days, especially today ! I have some pretty amazing family and friends!
I am one lucky gal!
Really you guys, thank you all SOOOOO Much. And thanks to my great husband, I am really lucky to have found someone like him. He has taken great care of my thus far, and I am sure will continue to! Thanks babe!
I love you all!

I really look hot in this picture... haha and my lips look HUGE!


M {3 said...

You look AMAZING to me! Way to go, you are a real trooper:) I really appreciated Jeff keeping me informed-Great job.

Kati said...

You look really great for just having surgery! What is recovery time and do you get to suck through a straw for a while now??

mamasteph said...

okay, totally not fair that you still look fantastic after having jaw surgery! we are so glad that it went well! We love you so much and hope you heal quickly! Let us know if there is anything we can do sister! Love you tons!

Hair Goddess said...

Katie - my recovery time for being out of work is 7-10 days but I will be on an ONLY soft food diet for 6 weeks and physical therapy!
Steph - Listen I am 100% in love with the slippers from both you and Patty, will you guys find out where each other got those and let me know b/c I need more!
Mama- Saturday can't come fast enough!

The Bombic said...

You look hot! I'm so glad things went well - I've been thinking about you a ton. And I'm glad you're in good hands. Love you sis!